Build Muscle Quickly With This Tabata Workout

  1. Reap the most benefits​ in the least amount of time

Build Muscle Quickly With This Tabata Workout

This fourth workout in our Tabata Makes You Hotta series is a best of both worlds for cardio and strength training from Hannah Eden, owner of Pumpfit in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. The hybrid workout offers a creative approach to building muscle and reaping the most benefits in the least amount of time.
For this workout, use moderate weight. The goal is to build your strength endurance so you want weight that is not too heavy but not too light.
If you are a fan of tabatas, don't forget to check out Eden's other workouts in the series: Tabata Makes You Hotta 1Tabata Makes You Hotta 2, and Tabata Makes You Hotta 3.
Directions: Perform the exercises listed below for 20 seconds each, resting for 10 seconds after each move.
1a. Frog Sprawl Kick
1b. Dumbbell Snatch (right/left)
That's 1 round. Perform 4 rounds. Rest 1 minute before moving to the next pair. Then perform the next two exercises listed below for 20 seconds each, resting for 10 seconds after each move.
2a. Burpee Pullup
2b. Hanging Single Leg Raise
That's 1 round. Perform 4 rounds. Rest 1 minute before moving to the next pair. Then perform the next two exercises listed below for 20 seconds each, resting for 10 seconds after each move.
3a. Side Skater Floor Tap
3b. Kettlebell Squat Clean
That's 1 round. Perform 4 rounds. Rest 1 minute before moving to the next pair. Then perform the next two exercises listed below for 20 seconds each, resting for 10 seconds after each move.
4a. Wall Ball
4b. K2C on Ball


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